If you're looking for a Recycler, then you're probably interested in the function of glass and how scientific it can really get. Recyclers, as the name indicates, recycle water for extra filtration and cooling—and they are among the nicest looking, functionally efficient, and most sought-after dab rigs on the market. There is nothing like seeing water moving around inside your piece as you take a hit, cooling and filtering your flower or concentrate to perfection!
Recyclers have some of the most unique and mind-blowing styles out there, and generally function better as an extract dab rig than a bong for flower. Artists around the world are innovating new variations of recycler every day, but most popular recyclers include the single uptake, double uptake, the Torus, and the Klein. You can find all kinds of recyclers here are Brothers with Glass, including floating recyclers!
The function of a basic recycler starts from the joint's perc as you take a hit, with water making it's way up the uptake(s) and into a funnel that will drain like a tornado back into the original perc’s chamber. To achieve this function, you will see the uptakes made of thin tubes connected from the base of the rig to the funnel, or middle, of the recycler.
The shape of the recycler is extremely important, and you will notice there is always a bottom, middle, and top section of a recycler rig. Artists can create these three sections in highly creative ways, using any shape and style they can think of to create the recycling function properly. Some take their craft to the next level with German engineering, placing the drain tube outside of the middle section, with it connecting back into the base of the dab rig. This type of recycler is known as the Klein!
The Klein recycler was derived from the scientific glass Klein bottle that originated in 1882 by the German Mathematician, Felix Klein. Kleins are just as fun for the artist to make as it they are for the rig owner to watch in action! Kleins follow the same function as all recyclers, (recycling water for extra filtration and cooling), but instead of the funnel draining internally into the original chamber, the drainage funnel is connected to a tube that makes its way out of the center of the body and back into the base and original perc chamber. This allows for more action to take place inside of the rig, providing more oxygen for a better-flavored dab and a smoother hit for your lungs!
There are a few reasons why recyclers are generally better for extracts than flower, although they can definitely be used for either. The first reason is size—most dab rigs are between 6-10 inches, which doesn't give enough room for flower smoke to fully cool down. This isn't a problem for extract, since the correct way to dab is between 650 and 720 degrees (check out our blog about dabbing temps!), so the size of the rig and water level will actually determine the flavor that you get from your dab. Cannabis ignites at over 1,000 degrees, which is why you need a 10+ inch bong for maximum flower-smoking comfort. If you find a recycler that is over 10 inches or has enough airflow before reaching your lungs, then you have yourself the perfect hybrid dab rig/bong!
Some of the best choices that we have available are the Chameleon Glass Hydrology Recycler, the Zob Zobello Recycler, and the No Label Glass Klein Recycler Dab Rig Color Accents. It's personal preference whether you want a scientific multi-uptake recycler or just the basic single uptake that you can stash anywhere without worrying about its fragility—we have a wide price range for you to pick from! If you just want a personal rig then the Hydrology or Zobello Recycler is a good bet, but if you want to rage the biggest dabs that you can with your friends then you'll want to take a look at the Goo Roo Two or Four Hose Hookah Bong, which can be used for concentrate as well as flower! The rigs we pick out for you will always keep up with the modern market, have the best competitive prices, and will be from the most trusted and reliable studios out there today.