Glass and Ti Dabbers

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A dabber is one of those accessories you may not think about right away. The key components are obviously the glass rig and the banger. Right? Oh yeah, and then there is the carb cap. Boom, you’re completely set to start dabbing now, right? Sure. If you want to use your finger to scoop your dank ass terps into the banger. Ouch. That’s going to lead to burns. Trust me, I’ve been there before. To be clear, the proper dabber is the final piece of the puzzle for the dabbing set up. Whether it’s glass or titanium, standard or heady and fun to look at, Brothers With Glass has everything you could ever want. Just look around our selection and we’re positive you’ll be able to find that perfect dabber that screams out “Come to me, we belong together!”

             There are a lot of different kinds of styles of dabbers. The pencil design has become extremely popular among dabbers in recent years. It looks pretty much exactly like a pencil. Some are even yellow and pink, but be careful, the last thing you want to do is mistake your glass pencil with a real one. Luckily, glass pencils are significantly heavier than a regular one. Another style of glass dabber that Brothers With Glass offers is the, uh, Saber of Light. I think we can get away with calling it that without having George Lucas breathing down our necks. Have you ever wanted to join the rebellion and take down the Empire before they can strike back… again? Too bad. These are just dabbers and Star Wars are just movies. But they’re good movies and the perfect thing to watch after you use your new dabber.

             Some people prefer a titanium dabber to a glass one. Sometimes it is strictly due to preference, but other times it is because the kind of nail someone has may require a specific dabber/cap. E-nails, for example, can be used with a glass dabber but are more often used with a titanium dabber with a built in cap on one end. This is because some fragile glass may not be suitable to the extremely high temperatures of an E-nail. Speaking of extremely high, where was I? Oh yeah, that’s right. Why some people prefer titanium accessories over glass. The truth of the matter is, some people are just too darn clumsy. If you’re one of those clumsy people, it may just make more sense to have titanium accessories because they don’t break. Not easily, at least. Although I’m sure there is a klutz or two out there that could make it happen.

             No matter what kind of dabber you need or want, Brothers With Glass is sure to have something just for you. Along with glass and titanium dabbers, we also have some dab straws. These things are made with quartz ends and heady glass designs to make even the most seasoned of dabbers double take. They are sort of like a nectar collector, only they don’t have a water function. So your hits will tend to be a bit dry. However, there really is nothing better than having a self-contained dab set up. No need to carry water around with you. Just a torch and a jar of terps and your dab straw is ready to go. Another cool thing about these “straws” is that they aren’t going to end up in the nose of a poor little sea turtle. Unless, of course, that sea turtle is super rad and pulling fat underwater nose rips in the ocean. What a badass!

             There you have it. Glass dabber, titanium dabber, and dab straws oh my! While your search for the perfect dabber may not necessarily be over, it has certainly been narrowed down. Congrats for that! Now all that’s left to do is to decide when and where you’re going to break in your new piece. That’s a pretty cool problem to have, friend. Dab on! 

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